Macon Average Temperature (GA)
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Average temperature of Macon including average monthly and annual data.
Average temperature is the most popular
factor that people take into consideration when looking for
the best city to live in. offers the average
Macon temperature chart that displays the annual and monthly
temperatures for Macon and dozens of other cities.
Average Annual Temperature
Macon Average Annual Temperature (ºF) |
64.4 ºF |
Average Temperature by Month (ºF)
Temperature (ºF) |
Average |
32º |
32º |
January |
45.4 |
February |
48.8 |
March |
56.9 |
April |
64.3 |
May |
71.9 |
June |
78.5 |
July |
81.2 |
August |
80.4 |
September |
75.3 |
October |
64.8 |
November |
56.0 |
December |
48.7 |
Annual |
64.4 |